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Kava Luv's Bible Study: A Journey of Faith, Community, and Hope

At Kava Luv, our commitment to fostering a community of love and acceptance has taken a new form – the Kava Luv Bible Study. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus, our goal is to create an uplifting environment where individuals can find purpose and guidance in their lives.

A Community Rooted in Love and Welcome

Our Bible Study is more than just a gathering; it's a community that welcomes everyone with open arms. Our aim is to teach the story of Jesus, providing a foundation for discerning good and evil while building lives worth living. Walking with grace becomes not just a mantra but a way of life.

A Time for Reflection and Learning

Every Sunday from 2-4pm, our community gathers to delve into the teachings of the Bible. We initiated this club with a profound purpose – to bring the gospel to those who may have been misled, hurt, or find themselves in a dark place seeking hope.

A Safe Haven for Peace, Fellowship, and Guidance

Our hope is that those who join us can experience a sense of peace, fellowship, and guidance. The Bible study sessions focus on reading scripture and using the lessons to reflect on our own lives. We explore the fundamentals of our existence and strive to experience life abundantly.

Meet Jeffrey: Co-founder and Devotee

Meet Jeffrey, the driving force behind our Bible Study. Born in Tampa, Florida, and raised in Naples since he was three, Jeffrey is not just a passionate member but a dedicated leader. Outside of our sessions, Jeffrey enjoys hitting the gym, creating art, and practicing his craft as a tattoo artist.

Meet Josh: Co-founder and Faithful Companion 

Adding to the richness of our Kava Luv Bible Study community is Josh, our co-founder, and a steadfast companion on this journey of faith. Hailing from Tillamook, Oregon, a small town of no more than 3,000 people, Josh brings a unique blend of small-town warmth and a deep commitment to spreading the Gospel. Beyond the Bible Study, Josh finds joy in various pursuits. He enjoys lifting weights, and basketball is another passion that lights up his days. Of course, spending quality time with his friend Jeff adds an extra layer of joy to his life.

A Personal Invitation: Come as You Are

We want everyone to know that God's door is always open, and you are welcome just as you are. Regardless of your beliefs or doubts, our aim is to encourage you to join us. We promise that you'll leave with a refreshed mind and perhaps find answers to questions that have lingered for too long.

In the spirit of love, faith, and community, Kava Luv's Bible Study is a beacon of hope. Come, be a part of our journey, and discover the transformative power of faith and fellowship.