Maulie D.: From Healing to Home at Kava Luv

Maulie D., a regular whose journey with botanical teas and kava transcends the ordinary. With a background in nursing, Maulie discovered the therapeutic benefits of these beverages, leading her to Kava Luv and ultimately finding solace and connection after a challenging period in her life.

Maulie's venture into kava and botanical teas began with a professional interest in their anti-inflammatory properties and relaxing effects, knowledge she gained through her work in the nursing field. Eager to experience these benefits firsthand, she also sought an alternative to alcohol, ultimately incorporating kava into her after-work routine.

In the aftermath of her father's passing, when faced with the void left behind, Maulie turned to Kava Luv as a source of comfort and support. Choosing not to succumb to the allure of alcohol or drugs, she found refuge in the community and atmosphere of Kava Luv, where she formed genuine connections and discovered a sense of home.

The decision to make Kava Luv her regular hangout was driven by the people who frequented the establishment, individuals who reminded Maulie of the welcoming and diverse atmosphere she associated with coffee shops back home. The community at Kava Luv, with its free-thinking individuals, encourages rich conversations, the exchange of opinions, and the sharing of diverse knowledge. Maulie stumbled upon Kava Luv through a simple Google search, a serendipitous discovery that would shape her daily routine and provide a haven for relaxation and genuine connections. 

Her favorite drink, the Arnold Palmer, reflects her unique taste. Preferring botanical teas over kava, Maulie finds herself at Kava Luv every day after work, relishing the welcoming environment and the company of friends and family. She takes pleasure in sharing the Kava Luv experience with her loved ones, introducing them to the community that has become an integral part of her life. Her favorite strain, Red Crushed, holds a special place in her heart for its calming effects. 

Maulie's time at Kava Luv involves hanging outside, engaging in conversations, and indulging in her love for reading. Over the nearly two years of being a regular, she has not only found relaxation and relief from anxiety and pain through kava and botanical teas but has also met a plethora of interesting individuals who have enriched her life. However she eagerly participates in events like Art Club, Wellness Wednesday, and Poetry Club. For Maulie, Kava Luv is not just a place to unwind but a sanctuary that contributes to her overall well-being, providing a sense of belonging, healing, and community. We are truly grateful to have her in our community where she helps us to keep the Luv alive!


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