A poem from a Poetry Club member

In our poetry club we have quite a few members who’s talent deserves to be recognized so I have taken some time to share their work with the Blog!

They Are Building A Mcdonalds

On the field outside my home.

Where there used to be trees

When i visited last

Not just trees but an entire forest, 

Where my childhood dog got lost when she ran out,

Narrowly avoiding the cars from either direction

To get to the boggy treeline

Not just a forest but a habitat for other creatures

Tricolored herons, gators and white ibis

Pushed to the fringes of the remaining pines

They pine, homesick

They have built a *mcdonalds*, where, in other days

Trailblazing children had fashioned walking sticks

And branded themselves intrepid explorers

Finding branches strikingly slingshot shaped

To take home as their prize

How happy i was then, not knowing how happy,

Driving the path along the forest’s perimeter

Watching the trees rustle and punch their way into the sky

They are building a mcdonalds—

The off-beat beeps of dump truck reversals,

And the clawing chorus of excavators labors

A melody, a dirge, the anhingas sing

~Caleb O’malley



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