Vanessa Samantha Kamińska: Embracing Kava and Botanical Teas Coast to Coast

I still remember the moment I first heard about kava, a medicinal plant that Hawaiians drink. It piqued my curiosity, and I wondered if there were any bars in my local area that served this intriguing tea. I stumbled upon one in Berkeley, California, but being only 16 at the time, I couldn't visit. I eventually moved across the country. On my 18th birthday, eager to finally try kava, I went to Kava Culture with friends, only to find out they never even checked my ID in the first place. LOL

I used to work at another Kava bar, and one of our regulars, Laurence, had plans to start his own kava bar. I left that bar, time went by, and then one day, I received a message on Instagram from Kava Luv's account, offering me a job. I showed up at the bar, not realizing that Laurence managed the establishment. To my surprise, I didn't have an interview; instead, I was handed papers to sign if I wanted the job. Of course, I had to say yes, I missed the Kava community, and the bar opened the very next day.

Well, it's an amazing environment to be around, constantly meeting new people, learning new things, and socializing. It's almost like I'm serving a bunch of friends and simply hanging out with them while enjoying free drinks and an incredible atmosphere. Why wouldn't I stay? Plus, the pay is better than any job in Naples for the work we do. To be completely honest, it doesn't even feel like a job.

As for my favorite drink, right now, it's either a lavender colada with my own twist or something with pomegranate and cranberry juice. When it comes to events, my absolute favorite is Wellness Wednesday. Funny enough, I'm the one who created the event and started the entire thing. The goal was to bring local businesses together to meet our community's wellness needs. It turned out to be an amazing networking experience for me, as I'm pursuing a career in naturopathic medicine. The first event we ever did tripled our average sales for the day, and that's when I knew this event was worth pursuing. Giving back to the community felt incredible, and the support and gratitude I received for creating something like this in our area were heartwarming.

When it comes to preferences between kava and botanical teas, kava was my go-to when I first started going to the Kava Bars, but ever since I began working behind the bar in 2020, I fell in love with kratom and haven't looked back since. It's been a transformative experience for me.

In terms of my job, my main focus is ensuring that the environment is perfect for anyone who wants to come in and relax. I take pride in making amazing-tasting drinks that benefit people's overall well-being,spiritually, mentally, and physically. Providing an alternative to alcohol is a humbling and gratifying experience.

As for my favorite strain of botanical tea, I love me some red. Kava and botanical teas have had a profound effect on me. They have provided me with an amazing release, especially since I used to struggle with drug abuse. Since I started regularly drinking kava and kratom, I've been clean and have never felt the need for another escape.

I've become the longest-lasting employee on the Kava Luv team, and I've been with the company for over two years now, approaching three. I have no plans of leaving,I love it here too much.

In my free time, if I find the motivation, I love to learn about health and wellness. I take yoga classes, expand my mind, explore new places, and simply enjoy life. I'm constantly seeking ways to expand my consciousness, whether through traveling or immersing myself in good house music in Miami. I'm also studying at FGCU, working toward completing my bachelor's degree.

When it comes to my favorite part of the job, it's all about connecting with others and embracing a sober lifestyle. Additionally, feeling like I finally have a community here in Naples is incredibly fulfilling. Coming from the Bay Area across the country, it was challenging to find people I truly connected with. I couldn't have asked for a better Kava Luv family, so let's Keep the Luv Alive!


A Safe Space for All - Celebrating Inclusivity, Diversity, and Acceptance


Unleash Your Inner Trivia Master: Kahoot Fun at Kava Luv Social Lounge!